The EM2C Laboratory, a unit of the CNRS and CentraleSupélec, combines high-quality academic research with applied studies, in partnership with larger companies and research centers in the transportation and energy sectors.



Energy and the environment have become a source of major issues that are capable of destabilizing the general organization of society. The scarcity of oil, optimized use of fossil fuels, reducing emissions, developing renewable energies and climate change risks produce a number of scientific questions. With research expertise in energy and combustion, using molecular scales to more macroscopic scales, the EM2C Laboratory greatly contributes to advancing knowledge on these difficult issues.

The laboratory’s research activities are organized around three lines of research: “Combustion”, “Non-equilibrium plasmas” and “Transfer Physics”, as well as cross-disciplinary work in Applied Mathematics.



Activities in the “Combustion” line of research involve the management, improvement and optimization of combustion. Its objectives are to better understand basic mechanisms and their interactions through expertise developed through experimentation, modeling and numerical simulation. This research is also based on innovations in the fields of diagnostics, sensors, actuators, control methods and simulation methods.


Non-equilibrium Plasmas (P)

Studies into Non-equilibrium Plasmas include: 1) a fundamental component on the physics of diffuse and filamentary electrical discharges, as well as on the chemical kinetics of non-equilibrium plasma under atmospheric pressure, and, 2) an application component in the fields of energy (ignition and stabilization of poor fuel mixtures), aerodynamics, the environment (gas effluent treatment) and surface treatment.


Transfer Physics (T)

Research conducted in Transfer Physics revolves around transfers by radiation, in both gaseous and reactive media and divided media, and heat transfers in porous and nanothermic media. By combining fundamental approaches and developing effective heat transfer models, this research allows scientific and technological challenges to be taken on in association with applications like atmospheric entry, transfer in a nuclear reactor core or nanomaterials.


Cross-disciplinary Work

The cross-disciplinary work in Applied Mathematics responds to any needs encountered during laboratory activities. It is based on a sustained activity in the field of mathematics and the implementation of projects at the interface of disciplines using scientific computing and supercomputing. It also interacts heavily with laboratory researchers for the physical understanding and validation of computing codes.



Key Figures

  • Instructor-researchers and researchers: 30

  • PhD students: 48

  • Post-docs: 6

  • Technical and administrative staff: 15

  • Tier A publications (source: Web of Science): 54

  • Value of signed contracts: €2,000,000 (excluding chairs)


Academic Partners

Cerfacs, CORIA, CETHIL, ENS, ESPCI, LIMHP, PC2A, Colorado State University, Johns Hopkins University, Old Dominion University, Pennsylvania State University, Stanford University, Yale University, University of Rochester, MIT, NASA Research Centers, Magdeburg, University of Potsdam, Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), National University of Asunción, JAXA, and more


Industrial Partners

Air Liquide, Areva, CEA, CNES, DGA, EDF, ESA, GDF-Suez, IFP Énergies Nouvelles, IRSN, MBDA, ONERA, PSA Group, Renault, Safran, and more


Director: Sébastien Ducruix
Tel.: +33 (0)1 41 13 10 55
Fax: +33 (0)1 47 02 80 35
E-mail: Sé

Latest submissions

Article in a review
Combustion and Flame Multiplexed MHz-rate mid-infrared laser absorption spectroscopy for simultaneous in-chamber CO, CO$_2$ , H$_2$O, temperature, and pressure in a rotating detonation rocket engine
Nicholas Kuenning, Anil Nair, Alex Keller, Nicolas Minesi, Emre Ozen, Blaine Bigler, Jason Kriesel, John Bennewitz, Jason Burr, Stephen Danczyk, R. Mitchell Spearrin
Pre-submission / Working document
Pre-submission / Working document
Communication on a congress
1 kHz rate measurement of vibrational/rotational nonequilibrium using hybrid femto/picosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering in plasma
Laila Dakroub, Michael Scherman, Sean Mcguire, Clément Pivard, Nelly Dorval, Denis Packan, Phillipe Nicolas, Rosa Santagata, Brigitte Attal-Trétout
Article in a review
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